Why Noula?

It is not uncommon to be confused about what health coaching really is. Today our society is filled with different types of doctors, dietitians, therapists, and spiritual leaders. While all of these professions can be extremely helpful it can often be an overwhelming to know where to begin.

Health coaching is a new evolving profession that combines traditional health concepts with both ancient and modern practice. A health coach is usually approached by a client looking to make a life change. As a health coach, I do not diagnose you, but rather make suggestions while guiding you to meet your individual goals. At Noula, I firmly believe in the concept of bioindivudality. What this means is that no two people are exactly the same. What works for one person may or may not work for another.

“Secondary foods don’t come close to giving us the joy, meaning, and fulfillment primary food provides.”— Joshua Rosenthal IIN FOUNDER

At Noula I will work with you to discover the best SUSTAINABLE wellness plan for you through both primary and secondary foods. Primary food consists of relationships, career, spirituality and physical activity- it is who you are as an individual. After primary food, we will discuss secondary food which is the actual food that we eat. Together we will explore different dietary theories to determine what will make you feel and look your best!


Did I mention I love to learn? I earned my bachelor’s degree in Organizational Behavior and Communication from NYU and last year I earned my health coach certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Upon completion, I took classes at the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City in Culinary Nutrition and am currently completing my training to be a certified Pilates instructor. I’ve also received certification from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Hey, the more you know!

Many of us want to create and maintain healthy lifestyle changes. However, even for me, this is hard to do on one’s own. By working with Noula you will have around the clock support and, most importantly, accountability. Together you and I will develop a bespoke plan tailored to your exact lifestyle and your fine-tuned goals.

Noula is rooted in the belief that we look our best when we feel our best. 
